Sunday, September 10, 2017

Long shadows

Went to one of my favorite driftless features: a deep and narrow stream where accurate casting can be the difference between a fish on or a nasty grassy snag. Chubbies and streamers. Fat browns who've made a comfortable living in tight quarters, chowing on terrestrials, nymphs and the occasional brookie.

Fading light added to the challenge, but I managed a couple of those gnarly browns I was after.

Saturday, September 9, 2017


Love the color of these September browns.

Remembering July

A lot has changed in 6 months since last post. Tens of streams explored and hundreds of fish later, I find myself nearing another fall, reflecting on my summer adventures and preparing for hunting season. Here is a favorite from this summer: chasing cutthroats while backpacking in Western Montana.
Cutthroat Trout in the heart of the Bob Marshall Wilderness.