Sunday, September 10, 2017

Long shadows

Went to one of my favorite driftless features: a deep and narrow stream where accurate casting can be the difference between a fish on or a nasty grassy snag. Chubbies and streamers. Fat browns who've made a comfortable living in tight quarters, chowing on terrestrials, nymphs and the occasional brookie.

Fading light added to the challenge, but I managed a couple of those gnarly browns I was after.

Saturday, September 9, 2017


Love the color of these September browns.

Remembering July

A lot has changed in 6 months since last post. Tens of streams explored and hundreds of fish later, I find myself nearing another fall, reflecting on my summer adventures and preparing for hunting season. Here is a favorite from this summer: chasing cutthroats while backpacking in Western Montana.
Cutthroat Trout in the heart of the Bob Marshall Wilderness.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Early Trout #1

Being back on the water for early season felt like coming home. My world is completely different than it was this time last year. Life is great, the people I spend my days with are amazing, and daily challenges have taken new forms. I've also improved immensely as an angler.

I've mostly been hitting familiar water, focusing on on my casting form and slowing down to get a better sense of where the fish are lying. It's been good.
Catching lots of these beauties

First brookie of the year 

Gnarly Rainbow 

I'm going to get on my soap box: Get concerned about our present administrations actions in dismantling the Clean Water Act. Any action towards less protection for our natural resources should give us reason to be alert. Clean headwaters and marshlands are a cornerstone of not only the well being of ecosystems, but ourselves as well. Give your representatives a buzz.